Working Around Wires
George VondriskaDescription
In the back bedroom at the camper here I've got a folding bed all about that in another video clip. And a couple times when I've unfolded the bed and people have seen this on the wall they snarkly say what's with the propeller on the wall? Does kind of look like a propeller, but in the end this became a design consideration, a functional consideration because there used to be a 12 volt light right here. And when there were all these bunk beds there was a whole different configuration back here. That light being on the wall made sense in that position.
It didn't make sense for what I've got going on with the bed now, but I tried to fish it to another spot, in other words, like you would in a house, stay behind the wall covering and fish it to a new spot and there was no way I could do that. So my solution to this was the propeller, this piece of pine has a groove cut in the back of it. It's blind here, meaning you can't see it on the end it stops, that's where the wire is. And then it goes all the way down to the other end. And I use that then as a wiring chase.
So I could put the propeller on the wall, I drilled a hole here, so I could have an LED light there, that's gonna be cool for somebody laying in bed reading a book, and then I continued it to the bottom and these things are great. They're available on Amazon. That's a USB port. So with the shelf there, you're set to go with charging your phone, keeping track of your phone on that little ledge. So the point out of this, again, so much stuff on this camper is this works for this camper.
But again, the way to look at this whole video series is conceptually, what can I apply to the camper I'm working on? So an idea like this, where instead of just beating your head against the wall, trying and trying and trying to fish the wires behind, if you surface mount something like this with a groove in it that can become your electrical chase and this was way easier to do than trying to fish the wires through the wall.
Good video on routing wires. How about routing wires into a slideout (i.e. a power outlet)?