Tracking Small Parts
George VondriskaDescription
One of the things that's gonna happen as you're working on your camper is you're gonna end up with little pieces like this. And this doesn't have to be a camper thing. Honestly, this is any DIY project you might run into. Very, very handy thing to have around your house are these magnetic trays. You'll find these at auto parts store or any place that sells auto repair kind of stuff.
And what it is, is just what it sounds like. It's a tray with big old magnets on the back of it. And as a result of those magnets stuff sticks to it. So this is crazy handy. As you're taking things apart, bloop, throw 'em in there, the magnet's gonna grab 'em, make sure they stay stuck.
You can even label this so that if I have more than one tray these are all the components from the cabinets. Work I've already taken apart inside the camper. Throw 'em in there and it's gonna give you a really, really handy way to know where stuff is when you're ready to put things back together. And, of course, the magnets are gonna help prevent things from just kinda falling out of a bin or something that isn't magnetic and getting lost along the way.
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