Jason & Lisa McEwen

Tips to Stay Alert Behind the Wheel

Jason & Lisa McEwen
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Duration:   5  mins


If you’re headed out on the open road with your RV, you need to make sure you stay alert behind the wheel. Most RVers love to travel, but traveling means driving, and driving requires a certain amount of focus. Most people take it for granted. Staying alert becomes even more important when you’re towing a camper. Today’s topic focuses on staying alert behind the wheel. RV Lifestyle and Repair Contributors Jason and Lisa McEwen have some tips to pass along:

Tip #1: Get 7-8 hours of rest before a travel day

Being alert on the road actually starts before you even sit in the driver’s seat. The night before you drive, you need to get a good night’s rest. Ideally, the day before you leave is a leisurely one with an early bedtime. The driver should make a conscious effort to get a solid night of rest before driving the next day.

Tips #2: Stop for breaks

When you’re on the road, if you start to feel tired, stop for a break. Find the nearest travel station and pull off the road for a bit. Fight the urge to “make good time” or get to your destination sooner. Arriving safely is more important than arriving by an arbitrary time.

Tip #3: Plan the travel days

When you plan your RV trip, plan the travel days too. When do you plan to leave? How often will you stop? Are you spending the night at a campground before getting to your final destination?

Take some time to make a plan. If it’s a day trip, a good rule of thumb is to travel during the daylight hours and make stops every 2 to 3 hours.

If you plan to travel across multiple state lines, you might be driving into the night. For long road trips, consider the 3/3/3 rule.

With the 3/3/3 rule, you drive no more than 300 miles, you arrive at your campground no later than 3pm, and you stay at the campground for 3 days. The 3/3/3 rule is a benchmark you can follow so you don’t get worn out.

Tip #4: Consider taking a nap

If you’re on a long drive, consider pulling into a rest station, hopping into the back of the RV, and taking a 30-minute power nap.

Tip #5: Rock some shades

What do sunglasses have to do with keeping a driver alert? Sunglasses, hats, and visor shades can all prevent eye fatigue. If you’re squinting less and not straining your eyes, it’s easier to keep them open and focused on the road ahead.

Tip #6: Keep your mind engaged

Consider a mental game to keep yourself engaged. Go through the alphabet and list a girl’s name for every letter, or get other passengers involved. Ask a passenger to pull up some trivia questions on their phone and see who can get the answer correct.

You should always pay attention to safety when you’re in an RV. If you’re driving, take breaks when you need them, grab a cup of coffee, or ask passenger’s to toss trivia questions at you for a bit. Do what you must to stay alert and safe as you travel to your next destination.

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