Jason & Lisa McEwen

Small RV Gadgets We Love

Jason & Lisa McEwen
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Duration:   8  mins


When you’re packing up your RV, what’s the one thing you always have to think about? Space. There’s no way around it: RVs have limited storage space. Everything you pack must be fairly small. The McEwens have acquired quite a few little gadgets that are great for their RV and its tiny storage space, which they’ll share with you.

Slim flashlights

If you’re camping, you’ll use a flashlight at some point. Consider flashlights that are slim and sleek. While some people do leave flashlights in their campers, the McEwens live in Florida, and the summer temperatures take a toll on the batteries, so they bring them each time.

Small humidifier

When you’re running the air or heat in the camper, it can get really dry, so the McEwens use a small humidifier. You simply fill it up with water, plug it in, and let it run. The Mcewens found one on Amazon for $20, and it doubles as a night light.

Utensil caddies

The McEwens, like many RVers, use a lot of paper products, like plates, cups, and napkins. But, you need a place to keep them. So, the McEwens bought a utensil caddy that holds plates and silverware. It’s a low-tech gadget, but a handy one.

Small reading lights

The McEwen family refers to small reading lights as “clippy lights” because they can clip to anything and provide some much-needed light at night. They’re small, rechargeable and easy to use.

Collapsible broom

You can sweep the floor and get rid of the millions of pounds of dirt and sand that end up in the RV, and when you’re done you can shrink its size for easy storage.


An e-reader like a Kindle makes way more sense than lugging books with you. If you decide to bring one and download your books ahead of time, you never know what kind of wifi signal you’ll have.

That’s a look at a few small gadgets that help you maximize space in your RV.

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