Carol Jackson

Preparing for Severe Weather

Carol Jackson
Duration:   6  mins


The key to safely and properly managing severe weather situations is proper planning. No matter the scenario—be it hurricane winds, uncontrolled flooding, or extreme heat—you always stand a better chance of navigating nasty weather conditions if you’ve prepared ahead of time. In this quick video lesson, RVing expert Carol Jackson teaches you how to ensure you’re ready for all types of severe weather when traveling the country in your RV.

Bad Weather Comes in Every Season

There’s no such thing as a month without risk when it comes to traveling. Just about every region of the country is susceptible to dangerous travel conditions in some form or another, which is why Carol recommends having your RV prepared for the worst all year round.

When planning your trips, you should always monitor the weather in advance for each step of your route. If a location you expect to visit is anticipating an unusual cold snap, you’ll be glad you knew going in; and likewise for a campground nestled against a flood-prone stream! Carol also suggests you add those locations to your phone’s weather app(s) and opt into text alerts or notifications for potential severe weather.

Aside from making sure you know what’s coming, Carol walks you through her checklist of essential tools and supplies to help you better prepare for those times you can’t escape bad weather. The things you ought to have onboard at all times include:

  • – A battery-powered weather radio
  • – An emergency kit with first-aid supplies, fire starters, a compass, flashlights, and spare battery backs
  • – Plenty of water and food (for humans and pets)
  • – Spare propane and fuel
  • – Weather-appropriate items such as rain coats, blankets, and snow gear (e.g. ice scrapers)
  • – A small saw for branch cutting or firewood collection
  • – A multi-purpose shovel

Have a Plan for Each Type of Weather

Different kinds of severe weather require unique action plans. For example, you’ll handle a minor flooding scenario at an inland campground differently than you would a mandatory hurricane evacuation at a coastal national park. As such, you and your family/traveling companions must be on the same page for each scenario. How will you get out if worse comes to worst? Where should you meet if separated? What is the optimal location for a large group under tornado warning?

These are the kinds of questions that can seem alarmist in advance but are utterly essential in the moment. You’ll feel much more confident facing severe weather if you’ve prepared ahead of time, and you won’t have to wonder what to do when a quick response and the right supplies are crucial. Know before you go!

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2 Responses to “Preparing for Severe Weather”

  1. John

    You said, “don’t shelter under an overpass” for tornados but did not say why. It seems like being under an underpass would be a lot better than being out in the open. What is wrong with underpasses?


    Good, common sense information. I feel better knowing I already have the necessary gear and supplies. Will be making a cross country move to the East Coast and am concerned about the wacky weather we have already seen this year. Be a Boy Scout, prepare for the worst and make a solid plan. Thanks for the video.

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