RV Lifestyle & Repair Editors

North Cascades National Park: The Raw Edge of Nature

RV Lifestyle & Repair Editors
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Duration:   2  mins


In this constantly shrinking world, while civilization expands and elbow room shrinks, the Pacific Northwest of the United States has remained one of North America’s true sanctuaries for wildlife and adventure. Covered with a vast array of ecosystems and lifesongs, this small portion of our vast country is home to some of the most remarkable untamed land in the world.

Knifing through the center of this land like a rigid spine is the Cascade Mountain Range, with glacier-hardened peaks as tall as 15-thousand feet. Encapsulating much of this chain of granite giants is North Cascades National Park, which blurs the line between Washington and Canada’s British Columbia. With roughly 300 glaciers to its name, North Cascades National Park boasts the most icecaps of all national parks in the continental United States. This rugged stretch of mountain and ice is so vast and untrammeled that there are still portions of the park that have yet to be touched by man. Because it remains completely undisturbed, wildlife at North Cascades National Park seems just a little more wild.

Where to find adventure in North Cascades National Park:

Everywhere. It’s all around you, if you’re willing to step off the beaten path and venture out. North Cascades National Park is riddled with acres of land that have still yet to be discovered. Seasoned backpackers are encouraged to blaze new trails and climb higher peaks, at their own risk, of course. In the untamed wild of North Cascades National Park, one is likely to cross the path of wolves, lynx, bears, wolverine and mountain lion.

For those who aren’t interested in risking life and limb to witness the wild, there are also a wide variety of less strenuous ways to experience the majesty of North Cascades National Park. Thousands of visitors come from around the world to take in the remarkable scenery on North Cascades Highway. Memorable family pictures are sure to be taken when you drive along this breathtaking road. No matter how you choose to find your way in North Cascades National Park, you’re guaranteed to find something that makes you truly appreciate the work of Mother Nature!

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