Maintaining RV Graphics to Extend Lifetime
Dave SolbergDescription
RVing expert Dave Solberg talks about his favorite tips for maintaining and protecting an RV’s graphics. He explains why it’s so important to limit the amount of time your RV is exposed to harmful UV rays, and introduces an inexpensive way to mend any minor damage the graphics suffer and keep up appearances. With Dave’s help, you can protect your slick decals and get the biggest bang for your buck!
Today's RVs have come a long way from the old style that had a single line down the middle as a graphic to these wild, crazy ones in here. I got a question from a member. How do I keep my graphics looking new? The worst thing for graphics, especially the decals, is the sun. Ultraviolet rays hitting this will dry these up, they'll start to fade, they'll crack.
Typically they should last about seven years, but the more they're in the sun, the less time, or the quicker they're going to fade, and they're gonna crack. So one of the things I recommend, if at all possible, park the unit in the shade. Keep the side with the most graphics to the cooler side of the campground. If you can use a UV protectant, Protect All makes a really nice one. You don't wanna wax any of your vinyl graphics, your decals in here, because that's gonna make them dry up faster and crack.
Now what you'll start to see is, you'll get the little edge here, and you can feel it right along here, starts to peel a little bit and crack. The rest of the vinyl may look very, very nice, but you can simply take and scrape that down, maybe use an exacto knife, come along on the edge, and either put a painted pinstripe or a pinstripe decal, and the rest of the graphic will look good. And finally, when you're covering in the wintertime, make sure you cover it and keep it from the elements. When you're not using it, the more you cover it, the longer these graphics are gonna look brand new.
I've been using 303 Aero Space UV Protectant On vinyl graphics for over 15 years & the graphics on my Pickup Truck & 5th wheel look great. I treat my 5th Wheel at least twice a year & my truck every 2nd or 3rd wash. The graphics on my truck are 10 years old & look new. 303 Aerospace Protectant - Provides Superior UV Protection, Helps Prevent Fading 1 Gallon (30320) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L4TF32G/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_RCVV5DXQTYJFY9A2PTC7
What is the name of the uv product that helps to print rv exterior decals?