LIVE with Marc and Julie from RV Love
RV Lifestyle & Repair EditorsDescription
Looking for some travel inspiration? We’ve invited Marc and Julie Bennett from RV Love to share their story and some of their best travel tips. If you haven’t heard of them, they’re full-time RVers who’ve spent years living, working and traveling in their RV. They want to help you hit the road, so they’ve compiled a list of uncrowded national parks you’ll want to visit. Be sure to click the banner below to download your free guide now!
And we're live. Hi everybody. It's Mark and Julie here from RVLove. And we are coming to you today from Dallas, Texas where it's pretty cold and rainy at the moment. And we're excited to be here on the live call with you guys and everyone here at RVLove, and of course, RV Repair Club has invited us to participate in this live today.
And just a chat to you guys about what's been going on in our world, and talk about RV life at travel. If any of you have already downloaded the free download eight uncrowded national parks, you have to visit and you can get that over at the RV Repair Club page that went out in a download last week. Some of you guys here in RVLove may not have seen that yet but it's a great download that shows some of the national parks that we've traveled to, and you can go and visit some without them being crazy. Some of them that we really like because they aren't so busy. Cause that's one of the things, is a lot of the really popular RV parks and a lot of the national parks are so popular that they get crazy busy.
But for those of you that don't know us, we should probably start with a little bit of an introduction. I'm Julie Bennett and this- And I'm Mark Bennett. And we are full time RVs since June of 2014. We sold our home in Colorado, bought an RV, hit the road, sold everything, almost everything. And we've been traveling ever since.
So we're now four and a half- About four and a half years. Years. We do we've hit all 50 States and we do travel full-time while working full time. That's right. We work from the road.
We started out with a 36 foot gas motor home. It was a bunk house that we converted for an office for Mark who had a job. At the time I had a job, I was able to do remotely. I was at work in operations for a nutrition company out of Texas, but I was living in Colorado, and that's when we decided, what is the definition of home? It doesn't have to be a stick and brick home.
So he bought the motor home and started traveling. And so, in the last four and a half years we have actually managed to visit all 50 USA States. Obviously we didn't take the RV too. Why? That was a flying trip a little getaway from the RV.
Actually we cruised to Alaska, but all of the rest of the lower 48 we have visited with our RV, and it's been an amazing life for us. It's been amazing to be able to see so much of this beautiful country and Canada too. We've even walked across the border into Mexico to explore using the RV's air base. And we've got few people are commenting her. Sam Brandy coming in.
We're gonna say hi to a few folks here. And we'd love for you guys to introduce yourselves, tell us where you're from. How do you RV? Are you full time? Are you snowbirds?
Are you vacationers? We'd love to hear how you RV. Not everybody full-times like we do. We've got Brandy Reno here who I know is over on the East coast. Hey Brandy.
Great to see you. Danielle Dupont, hello. And David is a familiar name, David Gallardo. Julie Marshall, another familiar name. And Ania hear from RV Repair Club has included the link for the download.
So you can click that link there and there's a free download. It's really beautiful. RV Repair Club designed it. It's got some great content in there from RV parks. Sorry, not from RV parks, from national parks that we've visited.
Some are of the ones that you might not have actually heard about. We all hear about the most popular ones, like you Yosemite and Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, et cetera. And they tend to be extremely crowded pretty around, but especially in the busiest time in the summer from Memorial to Labor Day. And they're Beautiful. And it's worth seeing a lot of those ones that you hear a lot about.
But some of these ones that you hear less about are actually really special and have been some of our high points. And interestingly, we had met a couple that parked next to us recently, and we were at a very unknown national park. Capulin- It was a national monument. National monument, yes Capulin Volcano National Monument in the upper right-hand corner of New Mexico. They've just finished this multi-week tour exceeding in all the major parks.
And then they told us that that was their highlight of their trip, was that national monument. And it's a volcano caldera in New Mexico. If you drive say from Denver, Colorado down to Texas, there's a good chance you'll drive through Capulin, and that's really worth a stop actually. We found that a lot of the national monuments are really surprising. Sometimes you've never heard of them and they can just be real surprises along the way.
I'm just keeping it on the comments here. Well, thank you. Julie says my hail looks beautiful. Thanks. For those who don't know me, I'm normally a real curly girl but I like getting it straightened every now and then.
We've just come back from New York actually, where we spent the weekend celebrating the wedding and some other full-time RV friends of ours, Eric and Kayla. And that's the other great thing about the RV life, it's the people that you meet. So we met them at a campground in Maine. When was it? 2015 The summer of 2015.
And I've since met up with them in about six other States and different locations, which is actually a really fun piece of the RV lifestyle. It's getting to meet up with friends from all around the country, all around the country. And for anyone who might not be full timing I wonder to how it is that you can live with someone full time in a small space like that, for any length of time. I think Eric and Kayla can do it because they started out living together in the RV, then got engaged a couple of years ago and just got married on the weekend. So sometimes it brings your relationships closer actually.
Oftentimes. So let's check in with a few people here and I'll see where you will... Becky says, "Hi, Mark and Julie we're in Alpine, Texas, "where it is freezing." Yes, it is cold here where we are in Dallas, Becky. We are surprised to come back. We're in New York for three, four days.
And it apparently it rained the whole time we were gone. We are about to actually head North in a little bit. So it's little after 11 central here right now. And as soon as we're done with this call, we're actually going to point the RV North West. Correct.
And tell 'em where we're going. We're gonna go to a small town of Wellington, Texas up in the Panhandle of Texas. A lot of people hadn't heard of that, but if you've been following our channel, you've probably heard of it because that's where we're gonna be premiering a new movie, "RV Nomads" movie that we're gonna be a part of, and that's a really exciting event. We've got a Nomad Fest event. There's gonna be about 500 RViers there.
It's a sold out event. So if you're thinking you want to come and join us I'm so sorry to tell you, it's sold out. It's sold out in May actually. Just a couple of weeks before the cameras started rolling. And if you haven't heard of it it's a movie called "RV Nomads." It's about the full-time RV lifestyle movement.
And there is something like maybe 10 or 12 other RVian couples in it and a solo RVians as well. And just showing how different people live the RV lifestyle and the reasons that we do it, and what's inspired us to give it all up, so to speak. And I put that in inverted commas because I think some people would think giving your stuff up means you're giving up a lot. But what we find is that we gain a whole lot more by living this life on the road. So that's where we're heading.
And hi Becky, thanks for tuning in. That was how they pick up and then... Oh great. So then, we've got lots more comments here. Awesome.
Keep them coming in. We're gonna speak to as many as we can in the timeframe that we have here, and please feel free to ask questions. We are here for you guys. Brandon Cave has joined. Hey Brandon.
He's just bought a new tow vehicle, a Jeep Cherokee travel like we have as a tow vehicle. Brian says, "Hi from Nashville." Hi Brian. Great to see you here. And we love Nashville. That is a great town.
Actually, we get people ask us all of the time and it's my least favorite question to be asked. And that is, "What is the best place you've been?" And the reason it's the least favorite question, is because it kind of seems like somebody is trying to just pin all of these experiences down to just pick the one place I should go to. And it's really not as simple as that because every place has its own uniqueness and so much to offer. And of course it depends on the time of year as well. We have a a favorites list, and Nashville is definitely on it.
So Julie Marshall is full-time in a class A Newmar. Yes you are Julie. We are going to be saying Julie and Nick this weekend at Nomad Fest. So we're excited to see you really. Tim Medic, "Watching from Willington, Texas." He's already set up ready for Nomad Fest.
We've got a lot of Nomad Fest people joining us on the call today. Rhoda Jichamino, "Starting out RV adventure full-time "in February, 2019." That is awesome. That's not far away. RV give her a free night. If there's anything we can do to help you, we've got loads of content over at the blog @rvlove.com, if you don't already know, if you don't follow us there already.
And I run the YouTube channel. And we've got a lot more coming out next month. Again, we're not sure how many of you already follow us up at... Looks like we've got 50 people live on the call right now. We've actually got a book coming out next month.
So it's a pretty big month. We've got the "RV Nomads," maybe premiers this weekend. And then about a month after that, our book. Got a little sample here. This is not the real thing but this is a little mini sample code.
Do you see that? "Living In The RV life "Your Ultimate Guide To Life On The Road." It's being published by Adams Media division of Simon & Schuster. And that hits the shelves on November 20 at all bookstores Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Costco, even independent bookstores. So we're very, very excited about that. Who else we got here Mark?
Well, Stacey Quimby. Hi, how are the travels? Hey how is it going? Good to see you Stacey. Thanks for joining.
We're hanging out with Gary and Stacey. They went to the same wedding up with us, up Connecticut, New York. We had a fun time. And they're also in the movie with us, the "RV Nomads" movie. Okay.
Daniel Dupont. "Hi guys. "We are full-timers in a DP. "You were the first ones to follow "our Distant Nation dupont Instagram." Awesome. It was an exciting moment.
We were like, "Is this the RVLove?" Oh, you're too funny. Sure. Well, we love following people who follow us as well. In any good faith that they would love following. Melissa Carol.
This is really good. I feel like we're hanging out here. I've got my cup of tea here. I feel like I'm hanging out with all our friends. All our friends, new and old.
Melissa Carol and her husband, Joe. We met in the Florida Keys actually, a couple of years ago. She says "Good morning. "We are now part-time Rviers and and loving it." So those guys own a winery up in New York. I tell you, this is one of the things I love about.
It's the interesting people that you meet on the way. Stacey and Gary are on their way to Wellington, Nomad Fest or bust. So who have we got here? Seeking Serenity. "Hello from Kokomo in Indiana." Wow.
I bet that's getting cold up there right now. Try start heading South if you got an RV. "And I'll be starting a full-time RV "at the end of this year." Oh, wow fantastic. "We're turning a 28 foot cargo trailer into an RV. "Congrats on your book." Thank you.
Wow. That's cool if you're handy. And we actually have met people who've done some DIYs that you start with cargo vans or cargo and convert them. If you aren't skilled enough to be able to do a project like that, that's fantastic, cause you get to make it exactly how you want it. And that's really cool.
That's awesome. And then Julie's driving i40 East of Wellington. We did hear that there's a pretty strong winds this week. So stay safe, Julie and Nick. Danielle Dupont is from Breckenridge.
Wow. Breckenridge is actually the first campground stay we had after we bought our first RV back in May of 2014 now. My parents, my dad and his wife, were out visiting from Australia and we took them down for a little two-night getaway dinner at Breckenridge. Our first real outing with the RV. That was cool.
It was good. But it's gonna be getting to cooler. It's gonna be cold getting up in Yellowstone now. The Yellowstone tends to be pretty chilly but like you said, there's very few people there, which is great. See, another key is, you can go to the lesser known parks or you can go to the well-known parks, not in their peak seasons.
So, it's a great concept. I'll bet it's cold there. When we were in Yellowstone, it was definitely... I think it was August, 2016. It was definitely a little bit chilly there.
Let's have a look here. Nathan says, "Hello, you two." Hey Nathan. Danny and Veronica. Danny and Veronica are the RV Outlaws. These guys are on the East Coast.
They've been full timing longer than us. I think about six months longer than us. They've probably got about five years now. And they travel in a class A toy hauler carrying all their toys in the back and Danny's got the back of the RV, converted into a dedicated office. And Veronica has got her office set up in the front passenger area, which is where I had mine set up in our motor home.
Now I really find that a lot of RVs don't necessarily come fully set up for working age RVs. We're starting to see that trend change a little bit but I think mostly we have to get creative and find ways. How can we convert spaces? Most people that we find tend to work from the dining table but then that kind of gets in the way of eating. And your lifestyle.
You don't want your work to totally impinge on your regular living space, at least we you don't. But having a separate workspace really adds a lot. Well, that's how you are able to produce a really work effectively. That's how you were able to do your job well. And here's a new name, Learner Colleen, "Working from the RV..." Awesome.
"In Bushland, Texas, just outside of Amarillo. "So you are at Nomad Festival in our visit." We got a lot of people coming to Nomad Fest which I guess is not surprising. It's 500 people coming in. We're so excited to see everybody. Gosh, my tea looks good too.
"What number one tip would you give to a new RV out?" Molly, that's a great question. I would say, do your research. Make sure your go into this process well-educated. That's in choosing the right RV for you. And that's also in deciding on why you're wanting to do this in the first place.
Finding your core reason, your why, is gonna drive so many of your decisions. That'd be my best piece of advice And don't rush it. Don't go down to an RV show. RV shows it's a great to be able to see a lot of different kinds of RVs, a lot of different brands and manufacturers, but leave your credit card or your checkbook at home, because it's so easy to go to these things and get really caught up and fall in love with RVs. And of course they're there to sell RVs.
And so, you'll find that they'll have really good show prices. We do actually know a number of RVs that have bought good deals at RV shows but, they have done their research first. And so they know what they're looking for. They've narrowed down to their selection and then they use the opportunity of the RV show to get a good deal. But if you're a newbie take your time.
I think we started solidly researching... And we were newbies when we started. We started researching in October of 2013 and we actually purchased our RV in May of 2014. And we thought we knew what we were going to buy. And we were almost did buy one at an RV show that we had done our research on.
And then, they didn't accept our offer 'cause we really love- Cause we've done a lot of research and they'd seen some of our offers. But then we completely changed their mind and went to something else. And we went with a new instead of a used, and the bunk house model, which was ideal for our needs at that time, because we could create an office for Mark. So, hope that helps Molly but feel free to keep asking questions. Doug Doug.
"New to the RV world, camping in Albuquerque." Oh, you are the Balloon Fiesta. The Balloon Fiesta is fantastic. And that's one of the thing that you might've heard before, but that is one of our things that we recommend people a lot. It's a very special and unique something to see. Basically, if you get able to go down there when they're launching the balloons in the morning...
It is an early morning, but if you get out there- It's worth it. The best way I can describe, it's like you're walking inside a kaleidoscope. It's really amazing experience. It is fantastic. So I'm curious to know how many of you on the live call here are actually also at Albuquerque or have even just been to the Balloon Fiesta.
We've been once in 2016. We'll definitely go again. I'm not a morning person. I don't like getting up early at all, but it is absolutely worth it. I will get up early at the Balloon Fiesta.
It's fantastic. Mark Norris is in Oklahoma, not too far away. Hi Mark. And Julie Hafman Beasley. "I've been following you both for a while.
"Whose decision was it to go full time "and was one of you undecided about doing it?" Well actually, it was a pretty mutual decision, but I think I was probably the first person to bring it up. Julie and I were trying to envision what we wanted out of our lives in the coming years ahead. And we realized we wanted a lot of experiences, not things. So we were visualizing that. So we wanted to think of how we can bring more travel and experiences into our lives.
And I had said, I've always wanted to do more RV travel. And it started to come together because we had our dog at the time and having an RV, you can travel together. And that's a great way to get going. Julie was very quick to join in the fun. I wasn't undecided, but I think as it drew closer, I got more...
It's very natural and normal I think for most people. Those fears and the questions start to come up as you get closer when you're leaving your home behind. But once we hit the road and started driving West, that was it. There was no going back. We both love to drive.
But it is a big emotional adjustment and Julie did have that emotional adjustment more than I did. Be willing to accept that and be ready for that. Cause that can happen. Hey Team Terry RV, how are you guys? You're in the Finger Lakes in New York, 34 this morning.
Oh, that's cold. I heard it was in the 30s in Wellington just this week too. Hailstone blow freezing last night. Wow. Okay.
That is cold. Travis Smith from Greenville, South Carolina. I'm getting a lot of folks from all over the place. Awesome. Clayton, "Hi from Tioga, North Dakota." That's one of the least populous States.
North Dakota, what have we got here? 49 degrees for a high state 30 for low, already been in the teams in the mornings. And it's not even winter yet. But North Dakota is actually really nice. We went to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park which is very smaller population park.
And we actually know some people who stayed virtually the whole summer up there. And so there's some great nice sky viewing up there as well. And definitely, don't miss North Dakota. If you see those states sticker maps on the side of RVs that a lot of people have... We had one on our first RV.
We'd actually don't have one on this RV. We filled in all the states stickers on our map which is so fun. But we saw a lot of RViers had all the states except for North Dakota. It was the least visited state seemed from RVs. You have to go a little bit out of your way to get there, it seems a lot of the time.
And poor North Dakota gets missed off and we say, "We're not gonna be those RViers "that don't go to North Dakota." Theodore Roosevelt National Park is actually a really worthwhile place to go. It's really interesting. They actually have a Badlands area too, similar to Badlands in South Dakota. But if you haven't got that free download guys, jump over to the RV Repair Club website and they've got the link. Or just here in the feed.
Actually they put the link to that free download of eight uncrowded national parks to visit. Where we've shared some of our favorites. And the North Dakota Theodore Roosevelt National Park, that actually is a place that Theodore Roosevelt did spend a lot of time. His interesting story and sad story is, he's wife and his mother died, I believe within four hours of each other, and obviously had a lot of personal impact on him. And he spent a lot of time there in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.
And he's been known to say that he would not have become president if he hadn't had that time in Theodore Roosevelt National Park to recover from that experience. So there you go. Carrie Skaggs, "Started following you guys a few years ago. "We launched full-time 14 months ago "and our first year has been incredible." Yay. "In Arizona now for the 'winter.'" Arizona's great for wintering cause it doesn't feel like you are at winter.
You love Arizona. "Thanks for inspiring us to go for it." I love hearing that. I love being able to think that we played a part in helping people live a better life. Now what else have we got here? Wow lots of comments guys.
This is awesome. I'm just trying to scroll through and drive at the same time. Okay. We've got Shelly. Skipping around here.
"Hi guys from Northern New Jersey. "Having lunch at work." Awesome. And then Melinda. Hey Melinda, how are you doing? "We use the show to see what is new.
"So we know what to look for when it's a few years old." That's a really great point Melinda. A lot of people do that. Actually, we have an online school for those of you that aren't aware, called RV Success School. They help people learn how to hit the road as well. And a lot of our students have actually been- They've had that strategy.
They've had that same strategy. Scott King, "Great advice on the RV Show. "We made a bunch of spreadsheets "to control the data gathering "to keep the sales person from taking you off script." That's good. It does keep you focused. Don't get emotional.
You really need to be very clear on what you're looking for. Cause they can be so persuasive and you get there and you're caught up in the moment and they're beautiful. You go see the new motor homes or that the RV towables depending on what you're looking at. Very seductive. Similar to what we recommended, research for a year before pulling the trigger.
It's common. It's a big life change and it's big to see. If you're going to extend at RV travel, especially full time, and if you're looking for one for a weekending, the decision doesn't have as much magnitude but it's still a big decision. So we have a question here from Carol Leslie Flory. "Do you have any trouble getting into campsites with CC?" So for those of you watching this live or watching it later not necessarily live, we actually changed our RV in March about six, seven months ago.
We gonna tell 'em what it is? Yep. We changed from our newer 2012 RV to a 1999 Country Coach Intrigue. It's a 40 foot RV. And Carol's question, I'm not sure if it's based on its size or on its age, but we have not had any trouble getting into parks so far this first nine months or so.
We've had no trouble at all. And there's very few parks that you hear people talk about that age restriction a lot. We've only come across that probably five times in four and a half years, where we've been in a park that had that age restriction, and we didn't have a RV old enough at the time but we watched for that. Didn't affect us. It's not very common.
There are a lot of campgrounds out there, literally thousands. And I think when we hit the road, that was one of the big surprises. When you buy a red car or a red suit, and then you see that car everywhere. It was a bit like that when we bought the RV and hit the road. All of a sudden we were seeing signs for campgrounds all over the place that we hadn't ever seen before.
I hadn't realized they were there because our focus and attention wasn't on that. And the length isn't a problem. Our coach is 40 feet. I would say up to 40 feet is pretty safe in most campgrounds. The vast majority of campgrounds can handle 40 footers.
We stay a lot in Thousand Trails campgrounds. So they don't have an age restriction. Some of you might be aware we've done a lot of blog posts and articles to show how we use that system to be able to save money as we travel. It's really what makes it affordable for us as full-timers. So that's not an issue at their parks.
And that's where we try to spend a lot of our time. But so I haven't had any issue. Then Dave Kimberly, Team Terry wants to know if you're going to Quartzsite Arizona this year. We've been to Quartzsite a few times. We are not going there this year.
We're actually planning on wintering in Florida this year. Yes, we are going to Florida for the second time. It's been a while. Looking forward to it because we love the Southwest. We love the desert.
Arizona has some of the most beautiful sunsets that we've seen, and the weather is fantastic. But Florida is gonna be fun, something different. Looking forward to it. So Julie Marshall, "Just left Albuquerque. First time at the Balloon Fiesta".
It was amazing. Took her 89 year old mom. That's awesome. Oh, that's so great. That's so special.
Paul Navu Junior is driving a DP. "A big difference as my research suggests" So we started with the gas motor home and we changed to a diesel pusher in March until today. And I'm not sure what your research is suggesting, but yes it is a very big difference. When you're looking at regular pickup trucks like a Dodge or Ford Chevy truck, and you're switching from the gas engine to the diesel engine, it changes a little bit in having better power. But when you're talking that in motor homes, when you're changing from a gas motor home to a diesel pusher motor home, the power plant is one piece of it.
It does whole stronger and it has exhaust brakes for going downhills, much more controlled. But the biggest things are the chassis. It's a much larger chassis, can handle a lot more weight and cargo capacity in the air suspension ride smoother. It's quieter. It's a very big difference.
So Mark Todd says, "Good morning. "Doing the full-time thing for a couple more years "until my partner can retire. "When she's done, we are on the road. "Looking forward to Wilderness Lakes "at Manifee, California." We have been there too. That's a really great campground.
That's part of the Thousand Trails network. And it's a really great idea not to do full-time locally until... That's one way that some people kind of transition into the lifestyle. Is if your work is such that you can hit the road right away. I think there are a lot of people are so keen and excited to get out there and do it as soon as possible, which is totally understandable.
Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to do that right away with work and financial and family considerations. So, it's a good way to kind of ease into it for sure. We liked that campground. Go to Old Town Temecula. Don Gonde joined.
Hey, Don and Mark. We're gonna see them this weekend too. Danny, "Theodore Roosevelt National Park "and the town of Medora was really nice." Medora is a cool little town that gets a lot of music. They have a lot of music events. We didn't get too many, but next time we definitely plan to spend some more time there.
Mark Todd, "Have you and will you travel to Alaska? "I heard road conditions are rough on rigs." We have not yet, but we have a lot of friends that have. And Pau Hana Travels, Gary and Stacey, have done that a few times and actually lots of focus for their channel. They've got a lot of content. But we were not afraid to drive.
We know a lot of people will have it. The roads can be challenging. We hear mixed reports. We've heard mixed reviews. There's a great book called "The Milepost," which is another book you'd want to research, if you're looking to do that.
And it's published every year to update on road conditions. Paul Navu, "Hi from Paul, UPS guy is driving a diesel pusher "much better than a gas RV." We just draw the answer on that one. And it just depends on how much you're gonna drive. If you're gonna be putting up big miles, yes, the diesel pusher really has value. Rob and Veronica.
Awesome. Oh, they're on their way to the Keys. We met these guys in the Keys, early 2016 I think it was. And these guys are awesome. Actually, these guys are in chapter eight our book, Rob and and Veronica.
They're in chapter eight on full the stuff. That's legally speaking. It's called legal domicile. They've got some really great examples of how they've made the RV lifestyle work for them. They do a lot of travel hacking, which is super interesting.
They use the RV as a base and then travel all around the world. So they're the majority out there living using the RV but they actually do an enormous amount of travel. Very affordably, using travel hacking tips. They are very inspiring. We've learnt a lot from them.
And we do that too. Charles and Abby. Hi guys, always good to see you. Gary Skaggs says, "Don't tell the dealer you've already sold your house "and ready to go. "Then they now you're desperate "and less willing to make a deal." That's a really good point actually Gary.
You're excited overshared and lost your current- Oh, men. That happens, but that's great tip. Great advice. Very good. Danny Dupont, "The amount of free camping boondocking is amazing.
"I had no idea about the free opportunities "before we took on life." Yes, there's a lot of opportunity to do boondocking especially out in the West. There's even more in the West and the reason the East. It's interesting. We were at at a travel conference a couple of weeks ago in Austin, Texas. And we met a woman who had just bought a van and started.
And when she learned that we had a big 40 foot motor home, she immediately said, "Well, you can't stay in campgrounds." We went, "Yeah we can." She thought we were too big for that. And she went, "Well, you can't boondock with that." And we said, "Yeah we can." And so, I think the perception out there is you have to have a small rig to boondock and to camp in campgrounds, or go in national state parks. And definitely the smaller your rig the easier it is to get into more places. There's no question of that. Certainly more flexibility again.
But there is still plenty of options out there and it didn't deteriorate us. We actually went from 36 to 40 feet. So it didn't deter us from going four feet bigger at all. Sam Galicia, "You guys are awesome for the RV world." Thank you for saying that. Thank you Sam.
That's very kind of you. We love it. Katherine Kendall, "Thanks for the inspiration you two." We met Katherine on a cruise. Well, you've known Katherine for quite a few years. Awesome.
Who else do we got here? Note in the committee there's a link from RV Repair Club here. So, what we did is in our travels around the country and to so many national parks... I think we've been to over 30 national parks so far. There's a selection of postcard photos that we took while we were there.
They've done is as a postcard. And then we write a paragraph that is really interesting about just tips for the park and things to do in the area. So go and check that out. That card is free. You can see it there in the RV Repair Club link.
Check that out. It's 11:33, we're gonna have to start winding up because our check out here is coming up pretty soon. But let's answer these last few questions. Karen says, "Congrats on your book." Thank you. We're so excited.
"Looking forward to Nomad Fest." Awesome. We gonna meet you there too. And Martha, another friend of ours. That's awesome. We're seeing so many of them online.
"Did you have to upgrade your driver's license "to switch to the heavier diesel chassis? "Some States require non-commercial class A licenses "if over 26,000 pounds." Yes I did cause Texas is one of those States. There's a written test and then you follow up with a driving test. It's not as if the same as doing a real CDL but it's a CDL non-traditional class B. And they have class A if you have a large total.
We'll be sharing more about that in upcoming videos. So if you guys don't already subscribe to our YouTube channel @youtube.com/rvlove and rvlove.com, sign up for our email updates and you'll be getting news. We've got lots of exciting things coming up because of we're gonna be sharing our RV remodel, coming up very. So super excited to share that with you guys. Hannah Hats, "I had heard mixed reviews about Thousand Trails.
"What would you say is the downside of Thousand Trails? "We love watching you guys." That is a common question. It is a common question. We love Thousand Trials. There're more rustic campgrounds.
If you're looking for a super high end resort you might not find that in a lot of the Thousand Trials. Some of 'em are like that, but some of them aren't. Perhaps because we find it so affordable, we have extra forgiveness in what the camping environment is like. But we really like it. We find in general, the sites are nice size and we just came from one in Medina Lake near San Antonio.
Right on the Lake. It's fantastic. Right on the Lake. We bought an acre to ourselves and then we're surrounded by deers. We loved Thousand Trails and we recommend it to a lot of people.
There's ways to get into it inexpensively with a zone pass at first to try it out. And when you say there's a downside, it really depends on what is important to you and what your values are. We actually have some questions in our blog posts. If you Google, RVLove Thousand Trials upgrade it's a monster of a blog post. Make yourself coffee or tea or pour a glass of wine or something to sit down and read it because it's a really long one, but it's very detailed.
And it goes in and explains the pros and cons. And it helps you ask questions about what's important to you. If it's really important to you to be close to the action near the main cities in touristy stuff, then- That's a downside. Some of them are not in those kinds of locations and a little bit more remote. But for us that's an advantage a lot of the time because we wanted to hunker away and have some quiet time, and catch up on work or something.
So it really depends on what's important to you. There's no one size fits all. It's not for everybody, but if it meets your criteria for what's important to you, it can save you a lot of money especially as a full-timer. So we're gonna wrap up with these last few questions now guys. Terry's says, "We're actually heading too in Florida." They're heading there after their wedding.
We'll be bouncing around . We'll go all the way down to the Keys at one point. We'll end up in Panheel. We'll be somewhere in the Panheel at RVillage Rally later on towards March I think. RVillage Rally 2 is right at the end of March.
So we'll be at that. And hopefully we gonna have some books down in Florida too. We're gonna be organizing that. We'll announce that probably after Nomad Fest in a week or so Wint Coltrane, Joe Mason, "Both congratulations on the book." Thank you so much. Thank you guys.
We're very excited about that. Brandon, "Where do you plan in Florida?" We just answered that. Andy Friedman "Lake Conroe, Texas "has a brand new section that is really- Yes. It is. It was right after they finished that new pool area.
That is very resort like. Very nice. Yeah, really. But I think we got all the questions. We are at 11:37.
We' gonna wrap up guys. We need to check out of the campground and get rolling to Nomad Fest. It's about a four hour drive for us today. But if you haven't already clicked that link, that RV Repair Club shade here in the comments to get that free download on eight uncrowded national parks that we really think are worth visiting. Some really interesting fun ones in there and some tips as well.
Be sure to jump over and download that. It's a free download and it's very picturesque 'cause it's got nice little postcards in it. Veronica and Bob, "Hope we can winter together in the Keys this winter." Yes. That would be awesome. We're totally planning on seeing you guys.
Joe Mason's, "Coming to Nomad Fest too." Just before we go everyone, you can see here, a lot of people are planning on coming to Nomad Fest and we did say it's sold out event. And so, sorry. If you haven't got tickets, you can't make it but you will be able to watch the movie for free. We're gonna be making that available for online streaming from November 15. If you jump over to epicnomadtv.com, you'll be able to sign up for updates and that will be available for free to stream very soon, in the next couple of weeks.
And you'll also be able to watch the content creators conference and the seminars. We're doing a seminar on Saturday. So all of that stuff will be available for free. You can sign up for that. So don't forget.
Get your download over at RV Repair Club link shared here in the comments and follow us RVlove.com and on YouTube @rvlove. And if you wanna stay up to date with what's happening with the "RV Nomads" movie, epicnomadtv.com. So, there are a little plugs right now. We'll wrap up and go as we get it all. Great to see you guys.
Thank you so much for joining. This was fun. Let's do it again. And it will be after Nomad Fest but maybe we can do one in a couple of weeks and we'd love to hear from you guys. So, stay in touch.
We look forward to seeing many of you this week again. Thanks everybody. Bye.
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