Keeping the Backside of Your RV Refrigerator Clean
Dave SolbergDescription
Sometimes when RV refrigerators are not cooling properly all it needs is a little tender loving care. Before conducting a full troubleshooting process for your unit, take time to look at the backside and clean off the coils. Because this area easily collects dust, an RV refrigerator that has insufficient cooling might just need a good “dusting”. Excess dust on the coils will insulate them or trap more heat in areas of the cooling unit that are designed to cool to ambient temperature. This will cause the unit to overheat and not operate properly.
Keeping the backside of the unit will help ensure it works properly and avoid any issues associated with the RV refrigerator not cooling properly. Use an air compressor with a blower attachment to thoroughly clean all the dust and debris off the cooling unit. Remove the lower outside RV refrigerator panel which will provide access to the back side of the unit and the vent cavity. Make sure you wear safety glasses and possibly a ventilation mask as it could kick up a considerable amount of dust. Insert the air hose into the cavity and blow up and around every accessible part of the cooling unit. You may even want to use a shop vac to help draw in the dust fog that will come from the cleaning.
It is also important to clean the vent at the top of the RV to ensure there is proper airflow. Otherwise the heat will not be able to escape from the backside of the unit and could cause cooling issues.
When the RV refrigerator is not cooling properly, it is important to ensure everything is clean, including the backside, the cavity and the vent all the way through the roof. Routine maintenance and checks will help reduce any problems and ensure you have a proper working and cooling refrigerator.