Family Moments: Board Games We Love to Play in the RV
Jason & Lisa McEwenDescription
So, we started playing board games after dinner as a nice way to calm down before bed. The tradition stuck. We play board games at home, but there’s something about playing together in the camper that makes board games even better.
What do we play? Here’s a look:
Uno is a family favorite. Besides Candy Land, it’s one of the first games the girls learned to play. It has even helped them master their colors and numbers. Now, it’s less of a learning experience and more of a competition for family bragging rights.
Have you played this one with your kids? There are a lot of different variations of this kind of game, but basically, you’re trying to remove sticks from beneath the marbles without them falling.
Go Fish
We play a lot of Go Fish too. Our kids are pretty good at this game and usually manage to beat Jason and I.
Of course, the kinds of games we play will evolve as the girls grow. We’re currently learning how to play Battleship and we’re working on a few other card games too.
For now, we’re soaking up these days where they enjoy spending time with their parents. RVing helps with that. It’s a great way to travel as a family and focus on spending time together. We’ve taken dozens of trips since we first started RVing in 2019, and while we’ve seen some great sights, family moments like these are even more memorable.
For more great RV tips, check out our library of videos along with this list of fun RV games you can play with kids outdoors.
Hi everybody, I'm Lisa McEwen. One of the things that we love most about RVing is that the kids get to spend so much time out in nature. We all unplug, take a break from tech, and connect as a family. The kids absolutely love hiking, and biking and swimming. But after a really long day, they usually are pretty tired.
And if it's a hot day, like it is today, they're probably even a little sunburned, too. So to help everybody calm down after a day full of activities, we started playing board games after dinner in the RV. Here's a look at our family board game night. Come on inside. We're playing UNO!
UNO is a family favorite. Besides Candyland, it's one of the first games the girls learned to play. It's even helped them master their colors and numbers. Now it's a little less of a learning experience, and more of a competition for family bragging rights. Green!
Lucky me. The girls can play hand after hand of UNO. We've always liked family game nights. We usually do them at home, too, but there's something about doing a game night in the camper that's just more fun. UNO!
UNO, too! Oh my goodness, you both have UNO? Go ahead, Riley. While the girls are excited to see who wins, Milo, the family dog, is a little less excited. He's just hanging out at our feet, his favorite spot.
When we've outplayed UNO, we move on to another family favorite. We're playing Kerplunk. Have you played this one with your kids? Basically, you're trying to remove sticks from beneath the marbles without them falling. Look, very first stick, and none fell on my first try.
Riley is off to a good start, but whoever makes the most marbles fall loses the game. Ready? Ooh. As we all take turns pulling out a stick. Oh, no!
Yay! It quickly becomes clear that a Kerplunk win is not in my future. As you can see, it gets a little rowdy in there sometimes. But we have learned that you don't have to pack every single day full of amusement parks and fast paced activities. Sometimes all you need is a board game.
Until next time.
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