Helpful Tips for Your RV Windshield Wipers
RV Lifestyle & Repair EditorsDescription
It is important to take time each year to go over your entire windshield, including the RV windshield wipers. Over time the wipers can become damaged and detached from the wiper assembly, causing visibility issues and other problems which could scratch or damage the windshield. RV windshield wipers can become damaged from driving in the winter and extended exposure to sun. It may be necessary to clean the wipers regularly and depending upon the damage it could be necessary to change the RV windshield wipers completely.
The best thing to do when cleaning the RV windshield wipers is to regularly clean it off with rubbing alcohol. This cleans all of the grease and oil off of the wiper. Pour the rubbing alcohol on a link-free cloth and run it along the bottom of the blade and over both sides of it. It may be necessary to do this a few times.
While cleaning your RV windshield wipers look for any nicks or rough spots. If you discover any minor imperfections you may want to take some sandpaper or steel wool over the spots to smooth them out. If damage is too bad, it may be time to replace your RV windshield wipers.
When storing your RV, place something between the wiper blades and the windshield. A simple piece of cardboard will prevent the blades from getting baked into the windshield and will reduce the chances you may have to replace the wipers when taking the RV out of storage.
With the proper maintenance of your windshield wipers you will ensure a clear visual of the road that lies ahead.
The windshield wipers of your RV are asked to do quite a bit, considering how large of a windshield you have, how much space it has to travel, the contour of the windshield as well, so it's a good idea to just take a little bit of time each year to go over the windshield wiper, and there's some maintenance or some tips that you can do. First of all, if you're gonna be doing any type of winter RVing, driving in ice and rain, you might want to change these out and get the winter blade style. These are open up, and they're gonna get a lot of ice and buildup in the inside of it, and then it's gonna be almost impossible to keep this clean on the bottom side. Every once in a while, you should just take this out and clean it. You can just use rubbing alcohol, an isopropyl like this.
This is gonna get any oils, imperfections off that wiper blade. Any place you've got something on here, you're gonna get streaks on your windshield. So you just run it along here, and you can see there, we've got a little bit of buildup on that, so we're gonna go over that again. Now, as I go over this, if I feel any rough nicks or spots on the sides here, especially we want to get right there. Cause when this windshield wiper goes across it's literally going to flatten out and squeegee off.
So I want to get both sides really good. And if I feel any imperfections on it, I'm going to take a real fine sandpaper, maybe a little fine steel wool, and just go over it a little bit. If it's too bad, then I'll definitely replace it. Another tip while you got it up here like this, this is going to be where our washer solution comes through. So we want to make sure that this isn't starting to deteriorate, nicks or anything like that.
And that it actually is hooked up to the top up here. It's very common for these to start to actually shrink a little bit and they'll pull away from this area here. And then you won't have any of the windshield washer solvent on your windshield. When you're storing these, something else that you want to do is put something between the windshield wiper and the glass, because the longer it sits, especially if you're going to have it outside long periods of time in the heat, this thing will literally weld itself, for lack of a better term, to that windshield. And once you pull it apart, then it's just going to tear that whole windshield wiper off of the front.
And the last thing you can do, there is a spring down here that has a tendency to wear out. You might want to replace that if your windshield wiper's kind of chattering as you go down the road, that's what acts literally holds it up against this. So a little bit of maintenance, checking these very periodically, is really gonna help give you a better vision going down the road.
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