George Vondriska

Cabinets and Baskets

George Vondriska
Duration:   2  mins


As you upgrade your camper’s interior, here’s a design consideration for you. Instead of building storage cabinets you can use hanging wall baskets. Baskets provide a very open look, and help give the camper more of a household look. Supplement the baskets with folding coat hooks, and you’ve got a great arrangement for storage in your camper.

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As I've been working on this camper, there have been all sorts of design considerations along the way. I built a bunch of cabinets in the front. I built some cabinets here in this back bedroom. And that's what I wanna talk about is just give you some fodder for you to think about. Now, you've seen me on a lotta this set up cameras and lights all on my own.

I'm really lucky today, Terri is on the other side of that camera running the camera. So, he and I are gonna walk you through together what happened here in this bedroom. So look at this side first, Terri, where I've got this cabinet. This is exactly like what I did in the front. We've got basically one by twos that make up a frame.

On the outside of the cabinet, there's a 1/4-inch skin that covers the outside there. Face frame on the front, painted doors. So, when I did this, the idea in this back bedroom was, you come in here, you've got your overnight bag, you open it up, you put your T-shirts and underwear inside the cabinet, good to go. On this side, I, one thing I could've done was built another cabinet, but there's a window right here. And part of what I didn't wanna do was come out 10 inches, like I did on that side, cover part of this window visually, and interrupt that.

So, poking around a little bit on the worldwide interwebs, I found these baskets. And I like this idea a lot. So the concept is the same. You're gonna come back here, open up your bag, T-shirts, underwear, socks can go into these baskets. There's some coat hooks off to the side here.

And what I like about this is, visually, 'cause they're wire baskets, I can still see through 'em when nothing's in 'em. So they don't block that window. I also like the look of 'em. Remember that conceptually, one of the things I'm trying to do here is get this camper to look more like a house, less like a camper. And I think an addition like this is more in touch with that.

Like, you'd hang these in your kitchen and put onions in 'em or whatever. So, again, the idea here is, maybe this works for your camper, maybe it doesn't. I found these hanging baskets on Amazon. There are a variety of sizes available, a variety of styles available. One of the things I thought was important is that it's a basket.

So if you leave something in here when you're driving, it's not gonna bounce out. In other words, I like that it's confined. It's not just an open shelf. So just something for you to stew on, something for you to think about. Maybe a design idea like this, baskets versus cabinets, will work for your camper.

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