Buying a Used RV: Front End Inspection Tips
Dave SolbergDescription
Buying a used RV can have many benefits, including saving you money when compared to purchasing a new RV. However, without conducting a proper front end inspection before signing the sales contract could result in having to pay for costly repairs in the near future. Conducting a thorough inspection of the front end could save you from having to pay for those costly repairs that are sometimes associated with buying a used RV.
On many used units, the weather stripping starts to shrink and rise up. When buying a used RV, look for any cracks and damage along the weather stripping surrounding the window. This area needs to be inspected closely to ensure you do not miss anything. Also, while looking at the weather stripping, keep an eye out for any rust.
While inspecting the windshield, get up on top to look for any damage. Even the slightest amount of damage to the windshield could cause more extensive damage later on. As you continue your inspection before buying a used RV take a close look at the surface of the windshield’s glass. Look for any chips and ask to have them spin welded and corrected before making your purchase because the vibration from driving could cause the chips to crack. Thus ruining the entire windshield.
The next things you want to look at when buying a used RV are the clearance lights. Check to ensure they are not cracked and the seals are intact. Other things to check include looking over the bumper. It is common to see scrapes on used units, however, there should be no cracks.
Open up the front end and look inside for any fluid leaks or damage that many cause alarm. Take time to really look at seals and inspect everything in the front end of the unit. It is also a good idea to take it to a certified mechanic to have a look at the chassis.
If you find something wrong when conducting an inspection before buying a used RV ask the seller to have these items corrected. Most sellers are willing to fix the little things to get the sale. Otherwise you may find yourself spending a lot more money having to fix more extensive damage caused by driving with the minor damage unrepaired.