Video Download

Generator Insights Video Download


Item: T3681U

Video Download: Generator Insights

From your refrigerator to your stovetop, to additional portable appliances you might bring, the generator for RV is a must-have for all RVers who set up shop away from the campgrounds. However, every RV model is a little bit different, whether in its shape, size, capabilities or maintenance requirements. What works for your friend’s RV might not work for yours; it’s all about assessing what you have and making the right choice for your model.

In this video, we will go over everything from the essentials of picking the right generator for your RV, how much gas to keep in the tank, reasons why monthly maintenance is necessary when storing your RV and much more! Also, find out about running the generator monthly, as well as what appliances should be plugged in and used at the same time.

Video Run Time: 21 minutes

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